Urgent help for OKHMATDYT
Urgent help for OKHMATDYT
To restore the Children's Cardiology Centre
To restore the Children's Cardiology Centre
Mobile evacuation
Mobile evacuation
Help the kids to stand on their feet
Help the kids to stand on their feet
Help children with brain disorders
Help children with brain disorders
Help for the Defenders of Ukraine
Help for the Defenders of Ukraine
Support the retired people in Kherson
Support the retired people in Kherson

UNBROKEN BY FIRE: helping children with burns
UNBROKEN BY FIRE: helping children with burns
Raise donations for good deeds with monobank!
Raise donations for good deeds with monobank!
Save a Child's Heart
Save a Child's Heart


dobro.ua project is not just about the funds, it is about coming together to make a difference.

Newest projects

Mykhailo chooses every step!
Mykhailo chooses every step!
Myshko is a very curious boy, but his cerebral palsy diagnosis prevents him from exploring the world. He…
Physical rehabilitation is the key to my health
Physical rehabilitation is the key to my health
During labor, a tight umbilical cord was pouring over and strangling Kyrylo's neck, so he did not breath…
Solve Nastia's riddle
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Solve Nastia's riddle
Ten-year-old Nastia is a mystery for doctors. Only geneticists can solve it, but the cost of the examina…
Artem lost his hearing due to a car accident
Artem lost his hearing due to a car accident
Artem is 18 years old. He was born into a large family and has four other brothers and sisters. When he …
Let's support Levchyk!
Let's support Levchyk!
Levchyk is a year and a half old, and his diagnosis is severe developmental delay, spastic tetraparesis,…
Yevhen needs eye surgery
Yevhen needs eye surgery
After his birth, Yevhen spent a month in intensive care. Born a little prematurely, he was diagnosed wit…
Hope for a fulfilling life despite cerebral palsy
Hope for a fulfilling life despite cerebral palsy
Nikol was born without crying. Since her birth, Nikol has been fighting for her life. At the age of one …
Let's help Sasha get back on her feet!
Let's help Sasha get back on her feet!
Sasha has cerebral palsy. He underwent two surgeries on his knees (first on one and then on the other) b…

About dobro.ua

dobro.ua is the leading online fundraising platform in Ukraine. Regardless of whether you are a private citizen or a business representative this is the best place to raise funds for a good cause.

  • Easy and safe to join

    Support one of hundreds of verified charity projects 24/7 from anywhere in the world.

  • Create your own web of good

    Attract friends, create a personalized charity campaign, and give special meaning to any event in your life.

  • You don't need money to help anymore

    Campaign is your personal fundraiser to support of one of the projects hosted on dobro.ua. Your friends could help you raise money for good.


You don't need money to help anymore

Choose a project

In the Projects, choose the one that worries you.

Create campaign

Click 'Create Campaign' and fill in all the information you need. Allow 8 minutes for this.

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Підтримка для діток з опіками
Helping children

Підтримка для діток з опіками

104381 грн
Логопед для дітей постраждалих внаслідок війни
Just share the good together!

Логопед для дітей постраждалих внаслідок війни

600 грн
30000 UAH
SABA & LIPSS saves hearts
Допомога дітям

SABA & LIPSS saves hearts

242528 грн
1000000 UAH

Special projects

Special projects are the best socially important initiatives that we implement together with responsible business and our philanthropists. Each special project is a success story, when the best companies, organizations and initiative groups come together to solve problems.

Save the heart
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Save the heart

Save the heart - is a national project, created for saving all children with heart defects from all over Ukraine.

Raised: 28582572.66 UAH
Children's Hope
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Children's Hope

Kyivstar helps children with cancer and heart diseases, treated in Ukrainian hospitals.

See more


Kurazh donates part of the proceeds from the measures to charity and creates charitable collaborations with big business and non-profit organizations.


Free course ‘Neural Networks for Fundraising’

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05.09.2024 11:25

Free course ‘Neural Networks for Fundraising’

The team of the charity platform dobro.ua together with the founder of the educational platform RESTRATEGY Denys Berezovsky have launched a free cour…

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Learning for the future: support our children

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26.08.2024 15:17

Learning for the future: support our children

Despite all the hardships the war has brought, our children are going back to school at the start of the new school year. They are the future of Ukra…

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The dobro.ua platform received an award for charity work

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21.06.2024 10:13

The dobro.ua platform received an award for charity work

The team of the charity platform dobro.ua received an award in the nomination "Platform of Good" of the national award "Charitable Ukraine". This is …

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