Pizza Celentano supports UNBROKEN Kids

31,779 hryvnias - that's the amount that was collected during the charity initiative of the Pizza Celentano chain of restaurants and the charitable foundation UNBROKEN. Money will be used to purchase equipment for the children's rehabilitation department of St. Nicholas Hospital.

In honor of its 25th anniversary, the chain of Pizza Celentano restaurants held an event - for two days, Lviv residents and guests of the city were treated to pizza and had a ride around the city on a retro tram. The initiative was joined by the Lviv City Council and Lviv communal organization Lvivelectrotrans.

The specially created excursion route "Tram No. 25" ran through the central streets of the city on August 5-6 from 12:00 to 18:00. The starting point of the route was Rynok Square. All passengers received a delicious treat and heard historical facts about Lviv, the history of the Lviv tram, the work of the Pizza Celentano chain of restaurants during the war, and the National Rehabilitation Center UNBROKEN.

Visitors bought symbolic tickets for 200 hryvnias for adults and 100 hryvnias for children, and also donated a "free bill". As a result, the UNBROKEN charitable fund counted all receipts (in cash and to the Fund's account) - almost 32,000 hryvnias.

Among the visitors of the charity initiative were also patients of the UNBROKEN rehabilitation center. Unbroken Heroes from Donetsk region, Ternopil region, Cherkasy region, Kharkiv, and other cities gor to know Lviv from a different, historical side. And they themselves donated for the purchase of equipment for children's rehabilitation.

About 200 people joined the charity initiative over the weekend. And the retro tram with a specially created route #25 made 23 flights and traveled 161 km through the streets of Lviv.

"Lvivelectrotrans" involved the Tatra T4SU "PAMPUSHOK" tram to the charity event. The tram got its delicious name because of its unique interior heating system. Trams of this type were heated with coal and had vents connected to each seat. By the way, this tram is celebrating 50 years since it hit the streets of Lviv.

The excursion route, 7 km long, lasted half an hour. During this time, Pizza Celentano treated visitors to pizzas that visitors learned were made with Italian ingredients.

Background: The UNBROKEN Foundation is collecting funds for equipment for the children's rehabilitation department of St. Nicholas Hospital.

Children's rehabilitation is much more difficult and long-term than adult rehabilitation. That is why UNBROKEN planned to open a new children's rehabilitation department UNBROKEN Kids in St. Nicholas Hospital.

Military injuries are among the most difficult to treat, and medical equipment plays a critical role in emergency care and rehabilitation. There is still no necessary medical equipment in Lviv, so we are forced to ask to evacuate small patients to Western countries, where they are separated from their homes.

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