20.02.2024 Sergiy Doronin, born in 2006, underwent surgery.

Sergey Doronin is 16 years old. He is from Avdiivka, Donetsk Oblast. He grew up here and went to school. Since birth, the boy has had no complaints or symptoms that would indicate heart defects. Sergiy has been involved in sports since childhood. His father, who works as a coach, developed his love for sports. His real passion is Kyokushinkai karate.  This type of karate is considered one of the most difficult of the sport's varieties, a true martial art that requires constant training and discipline. 

At the end of 2022, Serhii began to feel tired and complain of heart pain. His parents turned to their family doctor and were referred to a cardiologist. During the visit, an ultrasound of the heart was performed, and the diagnosis was made: "Secondary atrial septal defect (8 mm)". In October 2023, a repeat heart examination was performed, during which an increase in the hole was detected, which was already 12 mm, and taking this fact into account, endovascular surgery was indicated.

The family moved from their hometown when the fighting started. Sergiy's parents work, but a significant part of the family income is spent on housing costs. The family cannot cover the costs necessary to purchase the implant on their own.

On 20 February, Sergiy underwent endovascular surgery. The funds for the purchase of the implant, worth 119,947 UAH, were raised thanks to the benefactors of the Heartfelt Gift campaign. 

Now Sergiy will be able to continue playing sports and taking part in competitions.

We wish the guy new achievements and victories! And we sincerely thank all the benefactors for their support!


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