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Projects shown: 12 з 8482


Putting kids on their feet
Putting kids on their feet
The goal of the project is to raise funds for two modern verticalization systems for the Center for Cata…
Aid to IDPs from Luhansk region
Aid to IDPs from Luhansk region
Thanks to the project, we will purchase an electrocardiograph, a medical couch, and a refrigerator for s…
Kharkiv. Products for children affected by the war
Social help
Kharkiv. Products for children affected by the war
Thanks to the project, we will purchase 90 food packages for families with children: both Kharkiv reside…
Food assistance for IDPs in Kharkiv region
Social help
Food assistance for IDPs in Kharkiv region
We are raising funds for 1,500 sets of food for IDP families who have evacuated from the hot spots and s…
Support for children's hospitals during the war
Support for children's hospitals during the war
Here you can help to buy medical equipment, medicines and supplies for Ukrainian children's hospitals.
A place of communication for lonely old people. 10
Social help
A place of communication for lonely old people. 10
The club "Druha molodost" has been operating in Kharkiv since 2001. The purpose of the club's work is to…
Sweets for the elderly. 8
Social help
Sweets for the elderly. 8
The most important thing for an elderly person who has retired and lost their usual social role is commu…
Let's save Eva from painful puncture
Let's save Eva from painful puncture
This little girl's name is Eva. She suffers from type 1 diabetes. This disease appeared when Evochka was…
A girl with diabetes needs help. 2
A girl with diabetes needs help. 2
Lisa, a girl suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes, lives in Kharkiv. She is now 14 years old and al…
Yaroslav has a severe type of diabetes. 2
Yaroslav has a severe type of diabetes. 2
Five-year-old Yaroslav has been living with a serious illness for a year and a half now, and unfortunate…
My happiest day. 2
My happiest day. 2
On December 30, 2022, Sofia was born, and this day should have been the happiest for the Skuratovski fam…
Violetta wants to walk
Violetta wants to walk
From the very first days of her life, the baby had to struggle with serious difficulties: after her birt…