I'm looking for special projects that have started
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Special projects are shown: 6 з 49
Save the heart
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Save the heart

Save the heart - is a national project, created for saving all children with heart defects from all over Ukraine.

Raised: 30133747.03 UAH
Children's Hope
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Children's Hope

Kyivstar helps children with cancer and heart diseases, treated in Ukrainian hospitals.

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Kurazh donates part of the proceeds from the measures to charity and creates charitable collaborations with big business and non-profit organizations.

Svetlana Panayiotidi
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Svetlana Panayiotidi

Svitlana PanaiotidiSvitlana Panaiotidi is a former Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine, mother of a son and stepmother to three daughters, a philanthropist who has been creating various initiatives to support projects on the dobro.ua platform sinc…

Raised: 2605249.00 UAH
Lviv Croissants допомагають Незламним
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Lviv Croissants допомагають Незламним

Lviv Croissants обʼєднують небайдужі компанії аби підтримати пацієнтів Національного реабілітаційного Центру "Незламні" (Unbroken)

Raised: 1578941.48 UAH
Stories of the unbreakable
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Stories of the unbreakable

The documentaries "The Lost House" and "Mariupol. The Lost Hope" were created to tell about the indomitable Ukrainian courage.

Raised: 152734.44 UAH