23.04.2024 Denis Vysotsky, born in 2007, underwent surgery.

Denis grew up a lively boy, never complaining about his health. Since childhood, he has been involved in sports. But when the boy began to go through adolescence and his body made a sharp leap in physical growth and hormonal changes, problems began to appear. Last year, Denis's health deteriorated. During an ultrasound examination of his heart, a congenital heart defect was detected. The doctors at the Amosov Institute confirmed the diagnosis of a secondary atrial septal defect and informed him of the need for surgical treatment.

Denis's parents are divorced and the boy is being raised by his mother, who cannot afford the expensive implant on her own.

Thanks to a charitable contribution from YBS International, on 23.04.2024, an implant worth UAH 119,947 was purchased and endovascular surgery was performed to correct a congenital heart defect  Denys Ruslanovych Vysotskyi, 23.04.2007, from Konotop, Sumy region. 

We sincerely thank YBS International for their help!

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