"10 UAH" is a community of philanthropists in Telegram and Viber, numbering more than 1,700 people from all over Ukraine.

Each month, members of the community choose the most interesting and important project by which they will raise funds by regular voting. All social projects: assistance to children in orphanages, purchase of medical equipment, assistance to people with disabilities and the elderly.

After the selection of the winning project, our philanthropists and volunteers help close the fundraising of the charity project or get as close as possible to its completion.
The next step is project implementation and reporting.

A simple but very effective idea. Over 2 years of existence, we were able to help raise funds for more than 30 interesting and different projects.

To join the group, you need:
- have a desire to help others;
- Be prepared to transfer from 10 hryvnias every month and take part in the vote;
- have Telegram installed on the smartphone;
- or Viber is installed on the smartphone.

To submit your project for voting, you need:
- send an application on the form;
- send documents to our volunteer on Viber 0936306926;

Invite friends and acquaintances. Repost and recommend our ideas! Remember: together we can always do more!