Showing projects: 8 from 12
Urgent help for OHMATDYT
Urgent help for OHMATDYT
We are launching a fundraising campaign to restore the hospital, including the provision of medical equi…
Support with IT education for children who lost one or both parents as a result of the war in Ukrain
Education and science
Support with IT education for children who lost one or both parents as a result of the war in Ukrain
A project that provides opportunities for the education and development of children whose parents laid d…
All Ukraine. Helping children with burns
All Ukraine. Helping children with burns
Навесні 2023 року компанія Київстар розширює програму "Дитяча надія" новим напрямком - допомога дітям з … - infrastructure development and statutory activity
Support - infrastructure development and statutory activity
The purpose of this Reserve fund is to accumulate funds for infrastructure development and statutory activity of the platform. We ask you to support our project, and thereby ensure the further functioning of the platform.
Helping young patients at Zaporizhzhya hospital
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Helping young patients at Zaporizhzhya hospital
The purpose of this project is to purchase 2 state-of-the-art infusomats and an aspirator for the Zapori…
Save our children in war
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Save our children in war
OKHMATDYT and the First Territorial Medical Association of Lviv in addition to continuing their main wor…
Let's help with the essentials
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Let's help with the essentials
Volunteers of the "Kyivstar" company organized fundraising for humanitarian needs in Lugansk and Donetsk…
Talented Denis battles with a lymphadenoma
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Talented Denis battles with a lymphadenoma
Denis is an extraordinarily talented person, wonderful father and loving husband. Recently a young man t…