Questions and Answers

About payments and transfers

I transferred funds for the project online from a bank card. How to make sure that they are included in the project?

After the successful transfer of funds, your donation will appear in the "Donors" section of the project.

I transferred the funds through a bank branch. When will the funds be credited to the project?

Your payment, as well as any other payment made through a bank branch, will be credited to the project within three banking days and will appear in the "Donors" section of the respective project.

I have transferred funds, but I do not see myself in the list of donors. What shall I do?

If you do not find your payment on the site, please write us a letter to [email protected], indicating the method of payment, your name and the amount you transferred. If the payment was made online from a bank card, please also indicate the first 6 and last 2 digits and the approximate time of payment.

I want to donate money to the project. Do I have to register on the site?

In order to make a payment on the site, registration is not required, then your payment will be displayed as anonymous. However, registered users can use the personal account, receive news about the wards they have helped, create a personal fundraising campaign, and more.

I transferred funds from a bank card (payment method: Visa/ Master Card/ LiqPay/ Privat24). How will my payment deducted from the card in foreign currency (dollars/ euros) be reflected among the project donors?

The platform uses a payment solution from PrivatBank (Ukraine) – LiqPay. With the help of LiqPay, philanthropists can pay with Mastercard/ VISA/ UnionPay/ Prostіr cards for charitable contributions in support of charitable projects in real time. In accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Payment Systems and Transfer of Funds in Ukraine" dated April 5, 2001 No. 2346-III for legal entities, including charitable organizations, which is our platform, using Internet acquiring services (including LiqPay) we can raise funds only in the national currency of Ukraine – the hryvnia.

At the same time, it does not matter from which country and what currency the payment is made – the transferred funds are automatically converted into hryvnia. Therefore, all payments on the platform are automatically converted by the payment system into hryvnia at the current exchange rates at the time of the payment transaction. And it is the amount received in hryvnia that is reflected in the project supported by the philanthropist.

Reference: transfer of currency and crediting of funds to the currency accounts of a charitable organization is possible only if an international transfer is made using the SWIFT system from the Payer's account to the Recipient's currency account according to the bank details by an interbank transfer.

About projects

I can't choose the project I want to support. What shall I do?

In this case, you can make a donation to the treasury of the appropriate category, then we will have the opportunity to save someone's life by redirecting the required amount from the treasury to the project.

How to choose a fund you can trust?

First, it should have a website where you can find out what categories the foundation works with and where it spends its money. A transparent fund cannot collect money on a personal card, such collection is opaque and cannot be controlled.

Detailed financial and descriptive reports must be published on the site, wards' stories and current contacts of the fund's staff and management must be published. Some small funds may not have the resources to develop a site, in which case all information must be on the official page of the public on social networks, or provided in personal messages at your request.

It is perfectly normal to see such items of expenditure as "employee salaries" or "administrative expenses" in the reporting. Charities should be staffed by professionals who are responsible for the quality of their work. They should be paid for their special skills, knowledge and great responsibility and psychological burden.

How much money is not ashamed to donate?

One hryvnia is a huge help. And this is not a metaphor. A regular donation of 30 hryvnias per month, ie hryvnias per day, will allow us to plan work and help as efficiently and quickly as possible, especially when it is necessary to put out the fire and help immediately. If you can afford more - great, but it's better to calculate how much you can donate to charity each month and sign up for a regular contribution than to transfer a large amount at once. But the final decision is yours and any help is important!

About Campaigns. How it works

What are Campaign?

"Campaigns" are personal initiatives of caring philanthropists who want to support any of the active projects on the platform and raise funds to speed up its implementation.

These are not projects of our operators of Help and not projects of

Who can create a Campaign?

Any person, company or group of like-minded people can create a Campaign.

To do this, you need to be a registered user on the platform. You can register here -

How to create a Campaign?

To create a Campaign, you need to fill in all the required fields in the Campaign registration form and provide all the necessary information, after which the Campaign will go to pre-moderation.

The moderator can, if necessary, contact the Campaign Initiator by e-mail to clarify or correct the information provided. If, within 7 calendar days, the Initiator does not provide a response or makes the necessary changes to his own Campaign, the moderator has the right to reject the Campaign and it will not be published on the platform.

How to collect the Campaign? What is needed for this?

There are only 4 steps to take:

- choose your favorite among active projects on the platform

- come up with a name, description and choose your own photo or picture for the screensaver

- register a new Campaign here

- MANDATORY and IMPORTANT - involve your environment in social networks or private messages to support your Campaign with contributions of any size!

Can I suggest a project I want to collect if it is not available on

You can choose for your Campaign only a project that has already been published on the platform.

Campaigns are created solely to support existing and active projects or treasury projects.

Can I raise a bank card in my Campaign?

No, this is prohibited by the Rules, principles and procedures of the platform.

Campaigns that contain alternative fundraising tools in their descriptions / news / comments - for example, personal bank card numbers or links to any external resources other than - will be rejected and deleted by the moderator.

What are the funds raised through the Campaign used for?

All contributions in support of the Campaign are immediately credited to the associated project that was selected when the Campaign was registered.

They can be simultaneously seen in the "Donors" section and on the Campaign page and on the project itself, for the support of which it was created.

What could be the reason for creating the Campaign?

The campaign gives anyone the opportunity to celebrate any occasion for the benefit of people and everyone who needs help.

It can be a Birthday, Anniversary, Wedding, New Year or any personal occasion. When creating a Campaign, you can add your own reason to a list of existing ones.

Regular payments

How to make a regular payment?

Now each user has the opportunity to issue a regular payment for good deeds.

You can subscribe to a regular payment, which will be automatically taking from your card to:

Support the work of the whole platform

Support projects of a specific category:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Culture and sport
  • Ecology and animals
  • Like at home
  • Our town

1. How it works: getting to the page of regular payments, you indicate in the payment form the amount and frequency of donating.

2. We ask you to leave your e-mail so that you have the opportunity to unsubscribe from payment.

3. After that, the bank at a certain time, regularly transfers money from your card to the account of good deeds.

4. If the payment was successful, you will see a page with gratitude, and you can also find the name (nickname) and donation amount in the list of project Donors.

5. Attention: some banks make it possible to make regular payments from cards only at the request of the client.

If you are not sure that your card is open for regular payments - contact the bank (by the support phone number indicated on the back of the card).
You need to call the bank - tell the operator that you want to make regular payments and he will enable this feature.

I signed up for a regular payment, but I want to opt out.

If you are a registered user, you can unsubscribe from a regular payment in your personal account, in the section - Regular payments

If you are not a registered user, write to us at [email protected], we will help you find your payment.

Thanks a lot for your help and support.

To users

I need help, what documents can the charity organization ask me to provide?

Please note that public charitable fundraising is carried out in compliance with Article 7 of the Law of Ukraine "On Charitable Activities and Charitable Organizations".

The standard package of documents that may be requested from you at the Charitable Organizations is:

- documents certifying your identity, place of residence, identification number, marital status,
- medical documents certifying the diagnosis, which are provided under the condition that consent to the processing of personal data is signed,
- bills for medicine or payment of services.

In addition, you must write an application for receiving charitable assistance, sign consent to the processing of your personal data and a cooperation agreement with Charitable Organizations – all this is required for public fundraising.

Also, depending on the type of application, other documents may be requested from you if necessary.

I registered but forgot my password.

If you have difficulties with authorization, please write to us at [email protected].

I have a birthday / anniversary / wedding day soon, can I raise money for this honor and do a good deed?

Yes, you can create a personal campaign on this occasion. To do this, you need to register on the site, in the "Campaigns" section, select "Create a new Campaign" and fill in all the required fields. The only important condition is that you can only support an already published and active project on

If I used to support the project, but now I have received a message that the project cannot be implemented, what will happen to my donation?

If you receive this message, it means that the project you supported cannot be implemented for some reason. In this case, you can redirect your payment to another project in this category (you can do this in your office) or to the category treasury.

Do you have any questions?

If you did not find the answer to your question, pleasecontact us, by completing the form.

Contact us