Александр Переверзев

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 52
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
The purpose of this Reserve fund is to accumulate funds for infrastructure development and statutory activity of the dobro.ua platform. We ask you to support our project, and thereby ensure the further functioning of the dobro.ua platform.
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Continue life for two. 2
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Continue life for two. 2
Dima is seven and a half. At first glance, he is a usual playful child, full of energy, who likes watchi…
Breathe, you can't die!
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Breathe, you can't die!
And again about tuberculosis! Rather, about the fight against it, a terrible diagnosis, about which it i…
I hope without hope...
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I hope without hope...
The mother of seven-year-old Vadim has signed with both hands under these words of the famous poetess, a…
Let's give Lera a chance. 7
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Let's give Lera a chance. 7
Lera has a number of terrible diagnoses: cerebral palsy, symptomatic epilepsy, microcephaly against the …
From the playground to the hospital. 2
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From the playground to the hospital. 2
For 6 months, Maxym Tkach has been struggling for his healthy life. An accident turned his life upside d…
I will move by myself! 2
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I will move by myself! 2
The boy in the photo is Nikita. Instead of having a cesarean section, the expectant mother gave birth he…