Андрей Харьков

Supported projects
Collected for good
Директор клиники www.medicalclub.com.ua, MBA, доктор медицинских наук, хирург высшей категории, действительный член Американской Ассоциации пластических хирургов и Европейской Академии лицевой пластической хирургии
Showing projects: 8 from 15
Mobile reserve fund
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Mobile reserve fund
All funds donated to the "Mobile reserve fund", Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace will be allocated to…
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
A new dream – to walk
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A new dream – to walk
Walking on a prosthesis, as if on its own feet. Simply running down the stairs without crutches, bending…
Son of border guard needs treatment: Stage 4
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Son of border guard needs treatment: Stage 4
Little boy Igor needs a new course of treatment. Within 9 months the family of Igor got the money of car…
Lets support Mark-traveler!
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Lets support Mark-traveler!
Even before his birth Marko has become a traveller. And as a true traveller he could not miss out on the…
After my mom death - I must live!
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After my mom death - I must live!
The students of Poltava Pedagogical University are asking for help!Not too long ago we sat at a desk at …
Life of a little volunteer at risk
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Life of a little volunteer at risk
UPD: There are cases when words are superfluous. There are such children who are given to live. And only…
Let’s present the world of sounds to Sasha!
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Let’s present the world of sounds to Sasha!
Sasha was born 7 years ago. He was long-awaited baby. But because of doctors’ incompetence (the child wa…