Андрей Шкабко

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 9
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Help the athlete overcome leukemia! 3
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Help the athlete overcome leukemia! 3
The struggle continues... Exactly so, in two words, it can now describe the situation in which is Oleksi…
Hearts Charity Evening 2019
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Hearts Charity Evening 2019
Hearts Charity Evening is a charity evening that has been supports the development of ecovascular medici…
Save the little angel. 2
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Save the little angel. 2
There are texts that are particularly difficult to write. They usually contain the words "blasts" and "r…
Help disadvantaged orphans. 2
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Social help
Help disadvantaged orphans. 2
The Home of Happy Children Center has been helping disadvantaged children since 2007. At the Center, suc…
Hug to win
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Hug to win
The victory in a hug.Dacha Center is 10 years old! And we would like to celebrate this anniversary in yo…
Teeth hurt – it is impossible to treat!
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Teeth hurt – it is impossible to treat!
Natasha Sidorycheva cannot eat normally. Her teeth hurt, but she cannot treat them. And all because she …
Help find a donor Misha!
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Help find a donor Misha!
Children must enjoy childhood, getting knowledge about an environment, they have to dream about the futu…