Дмитро В.

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 162
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Let’s save the only daughter!
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Let’s save the only daughter!
Katia is the only daughter in the family. At the age of four months, the girl had a severe condition, wh…
Give Dima the freedom to breathe
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Give Dima the freedom to breathe
Dima needs the help of an oxygen concentrator to breathe freely. He has already received one device from…
Ania will fight! 3
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Ania will fight! 3
The expectant mother was pregnant with twins. Two girls, two sisters – happiness.
Alina: I want to run! 3
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Alina: I want to run! 3
The trouble did not befall this girl immediately after she was born, but when she turned a month old. Al…
To live without the words "Sentry! Sugar!"
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To live without the words "Sentry! Sugar!"
Vanya Isaev is a man of infinitely cheerful and sociable. The 8-year-old boy eagerly absorbs knowledge: …
Dima, we will never give up! 3
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Dima, we will never give up! 3
Dmitry came to the world prematurely and received his cradle in the form of an emergency resuscitation. …
Premature babies need our help. 4
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Premature babies need our help. 4
Jaundice of preterm infants is observed in almost every child who was born earlier than the term. It is …