Максим М

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 269
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Veronika is a girl from a dream
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Veronika is a girl from a dream
Veronika is the most long-awaited miracle for mom and dad and her older brother. The family dreamed of a…
From the playground to the hospital. 4
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From the playground to the hospital. 4
With this collection we want to help little boy Maxim. The boy received a head injury, underwent brain …
Vadim deserves to hear!
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Vadim deserves to hear!
Little Vadim was born deaf. Parents only realized at the age of 6 months that something was wrong, their…
Tania: be healthy and happy. 2
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Tania: be healthy and happy. 2
The baby was immediately taken to intensive care – the girl suffered a cerebral hemorrhage.
A complicated Ryta’s story. 4
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A complicated Ryta’s story. 4
After the birth of little Ryta, seizures began, her breathing stopped, a rash appeared on her body and h…
Calm the mother's heart
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Calm the mother's heart
There are two boys in the Vinnychuk family, who live with a serious genetic disease. The mother's heart …
Misha's first smile
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Misha's first smile
Doctors hope that he will be able to hold his head and sit at least a little on his own, because now he …