Марина Денисенко

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 29
Save the heart of Maksim Efimenko!
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Save the heart of Maksim Efimenko!
Letter from Mom: "I am a mother of Maxim Efimenko and my child has a congenital heart defect - patent d…
To reduce mother's pain. 3 stage
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To reduce mother's pain. 3 stage
When life, literally, can be bought for money. Oksana has cancer. While she takes medications, she lives…
Save Egor from insidious leukosis
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Save Egor from insidious leukosis
Unfortunately, Yegor died. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolence to the boy's own son…
I want to be healthy! 2
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I want to be healthy! 2
We already applied to you for help. But force to apply again... Nastya is three years old. She doesn’t k…
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Give Sasha hope! 3
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Give Sasha hope! 3
Such abilities as walking, running, playing and communicating with friends are so natural for every chil…
To live without a corset
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To live without a corset
Liudochka is 13, and she has 3 degrees of scoliosis. The 6-year-old girl was bitten by a dog, her head w…
Vika wants to breathe
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Vika wants to breathe
Close your eyes for a minute… Then close your nose and your mouth with your hands and hold your breath –…