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«Навчіться дякувати Богові за те, що у вас є, і тоді він подарує те, чого вам не вистачає»
Showing projects: 4 from 4
Painful smile. 5
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Painful smile. 5
Our Artem probably already knows everyone. There was a program release about him on TV. His case is spec…
Hope for life for Veronika
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Hope for life for Veronika
For grandmother – the world's only native and close person it – a drop of sunlight and joy of life in al…
Help little Mykola. 2 stage
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Help little Mykola. 2 stage
This baby boy Mykola is 6. He is puny and very weak. He was very active and social until he turned 1 yea…
Mom, do not cry!
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Mom, do not cry!
Vitalik is a pupil of the 2nd class of a secondary school. He studies with honors, has ability in math a…