Олександр та Алiна

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 18
Precise diagnosis
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Precise diagnosis
Our little princess is 2 years old. Two-year struggle with epileptic seizure, and sleepless nights, bitt…
Little fighters for life
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Little fighters for life
Twin-brothers Davyd and Artem were prematurely born on the sixth month of their mother pregnancy, withou…
To overcome the barrier
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To overcome the barrier
Today Daniel is almost seven years old, but in his just begun life he has seen and experienced a lot. Wh…
Right to life
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Right to life
Glib is very small, but very friendly boy, to whose fate from birth has felt a lot. Glebko was born with…
We don't want to lose our son
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We don't want to lose our son
Sergiy is a 7-year-old boy with exhausted eyes full of pain but in his heart there is a smoldering spark…
One more girl but a unique one
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One more girl but a unique one
These days little Eva enjoys her summer: she's running around the house, riding her bike. At first glanc…
One never gets used to pain
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One never gets used to pain
The trouble came to the Sukennykovyh’s family in March of the last year in the appearance of cancer when…
Life in a corset
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Life in a corset
Dasha is 12-year-old girl, who suffers from the severe form of congenital malformation of the spinal col…