Олександра Іванова

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 8
To live despite everything!
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To live despite everything!
More than a year – and nothing, but medical beds, operations and drop counters. That’s beginning of litt…
Save Egor from insidious leukosis
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Save Egor from insidious leukosis
Unfortunately, Yegor died. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolence to the boy's own son…
Life depends on medicines. Stage 3
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Life depends on medicines. Stage 3
Bright, smiling, talented – so is she, Anya. She plays the bandura, Bradbury reads and loves needlework.…
Igor faces the leg's amputation. Stage 2
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Igor faces the leg's amputation. Stage 2
In spring 2015 fifteen hundred philanthropists helped save the leg of a six year old Igor Statkevich fro…
Let's present Sofiyka the recovery! Stage 2
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Let's present Sofiyka the recovery! Stage 2
Giant malignant tumor of the left frontal lobe... This terrible diagnosis somehow quite suddenly and une…
Olya's life without pain
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Olya's life without pain
When Olenka Silanteva was born, she wasn’t put on her mother’s chest. After doctors’ worried faces the w…
7-year-old Sasha needs cardiac surgery
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7-year-old Sasha needs cardiac surgery
7-year-old Sasha Prytula has congenital heart defect, and she can be saved only via endovascular surgery…
Rescue heartbeat cable
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Rescue heartbeat cable
Effective, high quality and safe medical help to premature born children is impossible without the use o…