
Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 25
Save the angel
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Save the angel
UPD: Ministry of Health of Ukraine has paid for the operation for Matvii. You can find more information …
She's one in a million!
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She's one in a million!
One Ukrainian schoolgirl in a million chooses journalism. Inna Zhmud is the one, one in a million. She h…
To save Nadia from a leucosis!
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To save Nadia from a leucosis!
UPD: The Ministry of Health of Ukraine has allocated funds to pay for the operation for Nadia in Turkey.…
Life of a little volunteer at risk
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Life of a little volunteer at risk
UPD: There are cases when words are superfluous. There are such children who are given to live. And only…
Save Egor from insidious leukosis
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Save Egor from insidious leukosis
Unfortunately, Yegor died. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolence to the boy's own son…
Give change on free healthy life!
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Give change on free healthy life!
Collection of money is stopped. Actual information is accommodated in the blog of the project. 8-year-o…
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
In the captivity of a rare disease!
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In the captivity of a rare disease!
UPD (July 2017): Tonight our Polina Shapoval died. For several years she fought courageously against Fan…