

Supported projects
Collected for good
Люби Господа Бога свого всім серцем своїм, і всією душею своєю, і всією своєю думкою. Це найбільша й найперша заповідь. А друга однакова з нею: Люби свого ближнього, як самого себе. Вiд Матвiя 22:37-39
Showing projects: 8 from 13
Yaroslav has a severe type of diabetes
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Yaroslav has a severe type of diabetes
For a year now, five-year-old Yaroslav from Zaporizhzhia has been living with an illness that, unfortuna…
Vladyslav will overcome the difficulties!
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Vladyslav will overcome the difficulties!
The boy's mother appealed to us with a cry of her soul: "Help us, we are in trouble, every minute is imp…
Meals for evacuees
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Social help
Meals for evacuees
Through the project, we will provide comprehensive meals for evacuees arriving from Donetsk region to th…
Help Anechka to recover
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Help Anechka to recover
At the age of 7, Ania was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and began active rehabilitation and drug therapy…
Joyful Bunny needs help!
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Joyful Bunny needs help!
Meet little Victoria, whom doctors and nurses affectionately call the "Joyful Bunny." "Joyful Bunny" is …
Christmas together. 4
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Social help
Christmas together. 4
Every year we try to bring the spirit of Christmas to children without parental care. Of course, we cann…
An unusual girl needs vision treatment
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An unusual girl needs vision treatment
Since her birth, Bohdana has had to fight for her life. In the first months, she was gaining weight well…
Olya needs eye surgery
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Olya needs eye surgery
Olya lives with high sugar levels, which are not corrected in any way. It was these factors that led to …