Сашко Мельничин

Supported projects
Collected for good
Я дякую Богу, що народився здоровим і мрію, щоб усі хворі дітки були щасливі та одужували!
Showing projects: 8 from 10
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
The purpose of this Reserve fund is to accumulate funds for infrastructure development and statutory activity of the dobro.ua platform. We ask you to support our project, and thereby ensure the further functioning of the dobro.ua platform.
The first step in 8 years. 2
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The first step in 8 years. 2
Little Vlada was born prematurely, weighing only 1 kg 320 grams with severe health problems. After 5 mon…
Vladochka needs an angel!
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Vladochka needs an angel!
"I often see the same night dream – morning, the warm sun is touching the cheek of my daughter. Wake up,…
To save  babe from convulsions
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To save babe from convulsions
This baby's name is Olga. The first labor for mom Anya was rapid, and she warned doctors about that. And…
Emergency in Avdeevka!
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Ukraine and Community support
Emergency in Avdeevka!
We just can’t leave Ukrainians in the lurch! Your help is URGENTLY needed by the civilians of Avdiyivka …
Miracle for Semen. Second stage
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Miracle for Semen. Second stage
Instead of having a carefree childhood - he had to spend life at the wards and rehabilitation centres ..…
Save Egor from insidious leukosis
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Save Egor from insidious leukosis
Unfortunately, Yegor died. The UBB team brings our most sincere words of condolence to the boy's own son…
Alex deserve a happy childhood!
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Alex deserve a happy childhood!
Alesha Prokhorenko was born at 30 weeks' gestation with a weight of only 1 kg 400 g. Many internal organ…