Сергей T

Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 24
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund
Health reserve fund – is a UBB project that accumulates money of those people, trusted UBB in decision w…
Hear the world around. Odesa
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Hear the world around. Odesa
32 million children worldwide suffer from severe hearing loss. According to statistics from the Ministry…
Surgery is a saved hand
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Surgery is a saved hand
Yan just went to the first grade and did not even have time to get acquainted with all his classmates wh…
Give a chance to beat melanoma!
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Give a chance to beat melanoma!
Elena has a close family: an adult daughter, a loving husband, sister, and the greatest joy are her gran…
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
dobro.ua - infrastructure development and statutory activity
The purpose of this Reserve fund is to accumulate funds for infrastructure development and statutory activity of the dobro.ua platform. We ask you to support our project, and thereby ensure the further functioning of the dobro.ua platform.
Their lives depend on the devices
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Their lives depend on the devices
Every 15 child in Ukraine is born prematurely! Statistics are scary, is not it? And even more frightenin…
Mom, I want you to live! 2
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Mom, I want you to live! 2
UPD: unfortunately, yesterday, January 24, Katryna died. She courageously resisted the disease! The UBB …
Boomerang of goodness
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Boomerang of goodness
"Hello, my name is Olesia, I want to tell you my story and ask to support, but not me, not my son, but t…