Supported projects
Collected for good
Showing projects: 8 from 57
A strong girl struggling with cerebral palsy
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A strong girl struggling with cerebral palsy
Blonde curls and brown eyes. Tonia Sarandi has three years old, she has a cerebral palsy. Legs and pens …
Maintain the dignity of the elderly
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Social help
Maintain the dignity of the elderly
This project is raising very delicate problem. It is not common to talk about it. People suffer silently…
Put the boy on the legs
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Put the boy on the legs
The only and long-awaited mama's son, Nikita, was born on time and developed very well. At 7 months the …
Give a second wind to the kids
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Give a second wind to the kids
The tiny body behind the glass of the intensive care unit, many tubes stretched to it, an artificial ven…
Food for those who are the hardest
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Social help
Food for those who are the hardest
Every eight families in Ukraine face the problem of domestic violence, alcohol, and drug addiction. Chil…
Present Easter to the old people!
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Social help
Present Easter to the old people!
– Christ is risen!– Truly risen!The Bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter, the greatest holiday for all …
Phototherapy Lamp against the irreversible influence the icterus in newborns!
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Phototherapy Lamp against the irreversible influence the icterus in newborns!
The Children's City Clinical Hospital № 1 has Neonatal pathology unit, where every day, unfortunately, p…
Do not give the enemy any chance
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Do not give the enemy any chance
What is the deadliest enemy for the kids born with the cystic fibrosis? Serious infections’ bacteria set…