- About the operator
- Projects78
- News94
- Reports and documents2
Main areas of activity:
- care for each child, providing temporary residence with conditions for the realization of the child's right to family, health, decent living standards, quality education, good upbringing, leisure and comprehensive development;
- helping parents to overcome difficulties so that children can grow up in full, happy and healthy families, temporary residence for families;
- support for young people on the way to independent living, teaching them, support, starting housing;
- improving the efficiency and quality of services in the field of child protection, the use of innovative methods and the development of new forms of assistance, attracting independent assessment of the quality of social services, implementation of research results in practice;
- development of an integrated approach to the creation of a modern multidisciplinary system of social protection of children with accessible, high-quality, safe and consistent social services in the local community and solving problems of any complexity;
- advanced training of specialists in the field of social protection of children, increasing their motivation;
- development of charity culture, exchange of specialists, support of the volunteer movement;- development of national and international cooperation.
The Children's Center (operating since 2006) with four departments to provide temporary housing for orphans, children deprived of parental care, graduates of boarding schools, children from low-income families and families with children.
Mother and Child Center (operating since 2013): its task is to provide temporary free accommodation to pregnant women and mothers with children who have been victims of violence.