CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"

CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"

Total projects
Totally raised
82133.65 UAH
The "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC" Charitable Foundation is a part of the global Caritas community, with over 120 years of experience in more than 200 countries worldwide. Since 2022, the organization has been providing high-quality social services, humanitarian aid, psychological and legal support to tens of thousands of individuals in need in the Zhytomyr and Vinnytsia regions. The foundation's mission is to assist those in greatest need, regardless of their religious beliefs, gender, political views or nationality
21.03.2025 14:21
Speech launch services were provided to 8 children in need
CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"
In February, the Speech Launch School provided speech therapy services for eight children with special educational needs. During February, the speech therapist conducted 32 individual sessions for 8 children and 4 …
25.02.2025 20:04
It was enveloped in heat for 6000 hours of burnin
CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"
During the period December 2024-February 2025, the funds raised on in the amount of UAH 34,000.00 (thirty-four thousand UAH 00 kopecks) were spent to produce 2000 trench alcohol candles. Thanks to the p…
20.12.2024 15:00
Окопні свічки для захисників
CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"
Наш проєкт спрямований на виготовлення окопних спиртових свічок для захисників України, які перебувають на передовій. Свічки забезпечують необхідне тепло, світло та можливість підігріти їжу чи воду в польових умова…
05.11.2024 13:16
Camp Initiative ‘New Dawn’
CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"
The New Breath Initiative programme covers the entire territory of Ukraine, except for the occupied territories. For the needs of the programme, a hotline was organised, through which a social worker provided advic…
05.11.2024 13:16
Табір Ініціатива "Новий Подих"
CF "Caritas Berdychiv UGCC"
Програмою “Ініціатива «Новий Подих» охоплена територія всієї України, за виключенням окупованих територій. Для потреб програми була організована гаряча лінія, через яку соціальний працівник консультував та інформув…