CF "Happy Paw"
Total projects
Totally raised
The Happy Paw Charity Foundation has been implementing a variety of social projects since 2012, helps shelters throughout the country, teaches schoolchildren how to humanely and responsibly treat pets. The foundation was created with the goal to unify all the efforts and opportunities to solve the problem of homeless animals in Ukraine.
19.12.2024 10:18
Простерилізували перших 30 тварин!
CF "Happy Paw"

Дорогу благодійники, маємо чудові новини під кінець року - в рамках цього проєкту нам вдалося простерилізувати перших 30 тварин у притулку "Щасливий пес" що у Кропивницькому
Але це тільки початок, тому будемо щи…
13.11.2024 14:13
Нам дуже-дуже потрібна ваша підтримка!
CF "Happy Paw"

Шановні благодійники!
Ми з вами вже неодноразово збирали кошти на стерилізацію тварин у притулках проте потреба не зникає а стає тільки більш гострою!
Наразі ми збираємо кошти на стерилізацію тварин у притулк…
01.08.2024 11:50
The project is over! Thank you very much!
CF "Happy Paw"

The second tranche was spent on the purchase of 72 bags (780 kg) of dog food, which was delivered to the shelters: NGO "Hope for a Home" (Zdolbuniv, Rivne region), NGO "Mudra Ryba" (Kharkiv), NG…
17.05.2024 14:55
We have purchased the first part of the feed as part of the project!
CF "Happy Paw"

We purchased 112 bags (1,680 kg) of dog food, which was delivered to shelters: NGO "Dobropillya ZOO-CITY" (Dobropillya, Donetsk region), CO "Get a Friend" (Fontanka, Odesa region), CF "Without Borders" (Slyvyno, My…
14.04.2024 20:41
The collection is ongoing and we really need your support!
CF "Happy Paw"
Dear benefactors! We have updated the text of the collection! We will be grateful for your support!
"Shelters all over Ukraine continue to suffer from the consequences of a full-scale war - they have neither the…