CF "For the sake of the children of Ukraine"

CF "For the sake of the children of Ukraine"

Total projects
Totally raised
6797.35 UAH
Operator of help on UBB until 2017.

The mission and vocation of the fund are a comprehensive assistance to those in need of these children. Creating a decent living environment and development.

The purpose of the charitable fund "For the sake of children of Ukraine" is to carry out the following activities:

- organization of national, regional, local and international programs aimed at material and social assistance to needy children, orphaned children, Disabled children, and patients;

- charity contributes to the development and cultivation of culture by providing disadvantaged children, as well as low-income and large families and their children, access to cultural values;

- helping talented children to make their own choices in society and in life.

The sources of the fund are people of good will. Young, ambitious, who can not stay away from the problems of others, and especially when it comes to the younger generation. They started their activities in 2011 by a group of volunteers. But already in early 2013, realizing that it would not reach much by itself, the charitable organization "For the sake of children of Ukraine" organized.