Charity Foundation "For the Child"

Charity Foundation "For the Child"

Total projects
Totally raised
960122.03 UAH
Help prematurely born children, purchase of equipment to Ukrainian hospitals where nurse premature births.
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Showing projects: 8 from 17
IPAG doctors need sterilizers
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IPAG doctors need sterilizers
A full-scale war in Ukraine not only disrupts peaceful life, undermines the country's economy and destro…
Therapy that saves babies life
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Therapy that saves babies life
Premature birth is almost always unexpected, they are frightened by the uncertainty of the outcome, worr…
Help premature patients of the IPOG. 2
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Help premature patients of the IPOG. 2
We open new collection on a project which will help the little patients of Institute of Pediatrics, Obst…
Safe breathing in a premature baby
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Safe breathing in a premature baby
The lungs finally develop to the 34th week of intrauterine fetal maturation. During formation, they are …
Timely care for babies. Khmelnytskyi
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Timely care for babies. Khmelnytskyi
Prematurely born children require the continuous, round-the-clock monitoring after their state. In fact,…
To the babes were breathing. Poltava
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To the babes were breathing. Poltava
Недоношеною вважається дитина, народжена на терміні вагітності до 37 повних тижнів, і має всі ознаки нед…
To the babes were breathing. Vinnitsa
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To the babes were breathing. Vinnitsa
According to the current definition of the World Health Organization (WHO), a preterm child born at term…
Timely care for babies. Vinnytsia
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Timely care for babies. Vinnytsia
Prematurely born children require the continuous, round-the-clock monitoring after their state. In fact,…