CF "Happy child"
Total projects
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The mission of the fund is to effectively help the most vulnerable categories of children in Zaporizhzhya region. The fund unites kind people who are striving to change this world for the better, with those who need help - seriously ill children, orphans, low-income and large families.
- About the operator
- Projects202
- News63
The fund was registered in May 2007 by a group of Zaporizhzhya volunteers who had previously provided assistance to orphans, sick children and children from low-income families on a voluntary basis. The organization’s mission is to effectively help the most vulnerable categories of children in the Zaporizhzhya region. The fund brings together kind people from all over the world so that seriously ill children have a chance to recovery, orphans find loving parents, and children from low-income families can believe in themselves and find their place in this world.