Charity organization "Saint Nicolas Mercy Town"

Charity organization "Saint Nicolas Mercy Town"

Total projects
Totally raised
74400.00 UAH
Operator of help on UBB until 2014.

The town of mercy is a place where conditions have been created for real help to people without exception (regardless of religious, political, racial, social status).

In our time, encouraged by the examples of the deeds of Mother Teresa of Calcutta and St. Louis Orion (founder of several homes for the disabled), we believe that there is an opportunity and a need to promote deeds that were aimed at alleviating human suffering, because "love and only love will save the world."  according to Louis Orione.
The aim of Mercy Town is to create a family atmosphere in which to ensure the affirmation of the human personality through:
 • provision of basic needs (food, clothing, shelter)
 • health care
 • spiritual care
 • all-round human development (moral, intellectual, labor, etc.).
Children participate in many circles (chess, choir, dancing, music, drawing, handicrafts),
which are held in the City of Mercy by volunteers.
The House of Mercy has become for many a refuge to reconciliation with their parents, as well as for the parents themselves, the rise from a low level to a normal decent human.