ICCF "Good Hands"

ICCF "Good Hands"

Total projects
Totally raised
322406.00 UAH
Operator of help on dobro.ua UBB until 2016.

The main purpose of the foundation and activities of the Fund is to carry out charitable activities aimed at:
  - assistance to persons suffering from various serious illnesses, participation in the provision of medical assistance to such persons and the implementation of care for them, assistance in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of these diseases;
  - active, feasible assistance to individuals and organizations in need of it;
  - carrying out other charitable activities in the interests of society, rendering charitable assistance to those who need it.
The main tasks and forms of activity of the Fund are:
  - provision of one-time financial and material assistance;
  - provision of systematic financial and material assistance;
  - Carrying out financing of specific target programs;
  - rendering assistance on the basis of agreements (contracts) on charitable activities;
  - wooden or permits for free (preferential) use of property objects;
  - granting permission to use your name, emblem, symbols;
  - providing direct assistance with personal labor, services or the transfer of the results of personal creative activity;
  - assuming the costs of free, full or partial maintenance of charity objects;
  - attracting domestic and foreign investors for the provision of medical and humanitarian aid to socially unprotected and low-income groups of the population, the development of health care in the region and the country as a whole;
  - monitoring health problems in order to identify problems for the provision of medical care;
  - to revive civilized public charitable activities;
  - implementation of invalid and social projects together with medical institutions, institutions and enterprises in order to improve the health of citizens of Ukraine;
  - to involve volunteers and volunteers in charitable activities, including organizations and individuals;