Public Organization "Urban Youth Initiative"

Public Organization "Urban Youth Initiative"

Total projects
Totally raised
21739.00 UAH
Cooperation with the Fund is suspended.

Main objective: to protect legally rights and interests of members of the organization in different areas of public life; to promote development and social formation of youth; to create conditions for culture and physical development of your; to fulfill creative potential; to develop system for arrangement of youth leisure time.

Main tasks of organization:

- to assist in attracting youth to cooperation towards building democratic society; to promote volunteers activity among young people;

- to support organization of systems of events aimed at promoting the development and promotion of healthy lifestyles among young people;

- full support of young people in the development and implementation of advanced, innovative ideas and programs in all areas of activity;

- to support organization of cultural activities for youth;

- to promote cultural development and spiritual enrichment of Ukrainian youth;

- to improve legal culture of youth, overcome legal nihilism, to strength stability in the country;

- to promote development of innovative technologies for youth.

To give good for others – and it will definitely come back to you a hundred fold.