Center of social and psychological rehabilitation

Center of social and psychological rehabilitation

Total projects
Totally raised
22500.00 UAH
Operator of help on UBB until 2014.

The Centre of social and psychological rehabilitation for children is an institution of social protection for long-term and day care children aged from 3 to 18 years, those who appeared in difficult life situations, providing them with comprehensive social, psychological, educational, medical, legal and other assistance.

Our objectives are:

- to provide children with comprehensive social, psychological, educational, medical, legal and other assistance;
- to conduct psychological and pedagogical correction based on individual needs of each child;
- to create conditions for children’s education with regard to the level of their training;
- to promote development of children’s own positions in their lives to overcome habits of antisocial behavior;
- to conduct children’s labor adaptation based on their interests and capabilities;
- to develop recommendation on social and psychological adaptation of children for teachers and social workers and parents.

The Center includes the following departments: social, psychological and pedagogical assessment and rehabilitation; healthcare department; legal department; department of temporary stay and emergency care for children.

Department of Social, psychological and educational assessment and rehabilitation analyzes the state of educational neglect of the child, provides social and psychological support, assists to tutorship and guardianship authority in further adaptation of children. It takes measure to find the place of residence of parents, relatives, guardians (trustees) of the child.

Healthcare department organizes and ensures treatment and preventive care for children in time, which includes: an assessment of their physical and mental development; therapy of the neuropsychiatric abnormalities; supervision over the organization and dietary regime in the institution; the observance of sanitary-epidemiological requirements; rehabilitation; conducting outreach work about healthy lifestyle among children, parents and the staff of the institution.

Legal department provides children and their parents, guardians (trustees), adoptive parents and foster parents, other legal representatives with advices on legal issues, and informs them about the opportunity to obtain legal aid in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Legal Aid"; drawn with an application to the relevant authorities and institutions to protect the rights and interests of children (housing, property rights, etc.).

Department of temporary stay and emergency care for children allows children who appeared in difficult circumstances to stay temporarily in appropriate housing, housing, and psycho-pedagogical conditions for normal children’s life of; ensures timeliness, accessibility and effectiveness of preventive, corrective and educational assistance based on individual approach to every child considering his/her age and level of development; provides children with an opportunity to study, work and meaningful leisure and further conversion to other center department.