from Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace
February is the shortest month, but it's not about good deeds! We are sharing with you news about our completed projects, and you will see fo…
Ще один рік стійкості та доброти! Війна не зупинила добрі справи, бо наша платформа давно об'єднала навколо себе тих, хто знає реальну вагу до…
As part of the joint initiative of Kyivstar and the charity platform, the necessary medical equipment worth UAH 13.56 million was purchased …
The beginning of the year is a time to give thanks and continue to help. December 2024 was full of warmth, support and good deeds. Thanks to your hel…
Charity Christmas Courage 2023 is still a bright and pleasant memory, even though a whole year has passed! The festive event raised funds for the …
Neither the gloomy autumn nor the war stops us on the path of goodness. Together with our benefactors and our ambassadors, we continue to help and gi…
News about the best projects of September on the platform. The month was busy and we did a lot of cool things together. Read more about huma…
Influencer Sabina Musina's fundraising campaign has already saved 100 lives of children with congenital heart disease! Sabina's pers…
The team has many years of experience in charitable activities, fundraising and monitoring the implementation of projects of various sizes. …
Ukraine's defenders, who were seriously injured on the battlefield, face unbearable pain on a daily basis. They experience phantom pain from the …
Within the framework of the Children's Hope project, the company, together with the charity platform, has already delivered and put into…
We continue to see the light in the midst of the darkness and are happy to share what the platform, the funds and our beneficiaries have been up to o…
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