Preserving the heritage of the Ukrainian people thanks to our donors

Charity Christmas Courage 2023 is still a bright and pleasant memory, even though a whole year has passed!
The festive event raised funds for the purchase of a modern Expression 13000XL Pro scanner for the Ivan Honchar National Centre of Folk Culture. The scanner is equipped with state-of-the-art technology that produces high-quality A3 images, provides clear and accurate scanning even in shaded areas and exceptional clarity of the smallest details.
Over the years, the Ivan Honchar Museum has gathered a unique collection of traditional folk culture thanks to numerous ethnographic expeditions conducted by researchers. This collection is currently stored in the Museum's funds.
In 2021, with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation, the Museum's website was created, which presents the collection, photo and audio archives, and highlights the activities of the National Centre of Folk Culture. It features online and offline exhibitions, cultural events, and research by experts in the fields of ethnology, cultural anthropology, and ethnomusicology.
In November, the National Centre for Folk Culture ‘Ivan Honchar Museum’ completed an important stage of its work - digitisation of a part of the museum's collections and archives.
The digitisation has already been completed, and now these materials will be able to be stored more securely and used for research, promotion and preservation of Ukraine's cultural heritage.
‘Ivan Honchar Museum Online: an open platform about Ukrainian traditional culture’. This project was launched with the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and has the potential to become an important resource for disseminating knowledge about Ukrainian traditional culture.
We thank the Kurazh team and all the guests of the event, because such important cultural projects can only be implemented with the help of philanthropists. In times of war, it is important to take care of the legacy we leave for future generations.
On 14-15 December, Christmas Courage 2024 will take place in Kyiv, and you can become a part of great good deeds, so get involved!