Alisa and her wonderland
Alisa and her wonderland

Alisa and her wonderland

The project is carried by
Started: 04.12.2018
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
25920.0 UAH
Total goal
25920.00 UAH

Blue eyes, long braid – her name is Alisa. She looks like a dreamy girl, but she is thirty-one already, and she has cerebral palsy. She practically cannot move her arms and legs. Old retired parents carry Alisa in a wheelchair. Alisa is intelligent, intellectually developed, interested in everything and she loves to learn. One day, this family visited Dr. Bersenev’s Medical Centre. The girl has been getting treatment courses for many years. It helps to relieve her ailment.

And this year, unfortunately, the miracle will not happen and Alice will not find the way into her "Wonderland" – the clinic, where she has been well known, loved and helped to overcome the implacable disease gradually. The financial possibilities of retired parents have dried up. They only hope of this family are the good people.

Do not gloss over, respond to the appeal! To help Alice to enjoy this life and to give hope for the best can only caring people!


Name: Zaichenko Alisa, 18.04.1987

City: Nyzhchyi Olchedaiv village, Vinnytsia region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, hyperkinetic form, marked motor impairment, common spinal osteochondrosis, brachialgia, pain syndrome

ID: 4648
Charity donation
28.04.2019 11:09
0.20 UAH
Charity donation
28.04.2019 11:05
1160.00 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
27.04.2019 23:02
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
27.04.2019 15:35
3054.99 UAH
27.04.2019 09:58
25.48 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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