Artem dreams of defeating epilepsy and breathing. 2
Artem dreams of defeating epilepsy and breathing. 2

Artem dreams of defeating epilepsy and breathing. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 02.05.2024
Still needed
35390.01 UAH
Total goal
51900.00 UAH

Artem is a boy who wants to live and explore this world like all healthy children, wants to go to a regular school, play football with his peers and do sports! To tell his mom different interesting stories, wake up and tell her what vivid dreams he had. Artem wants to learn how to dress himself, hold a fork in his hand and eat on his own, walk without diapers, and run fast. The boy dreams of cooking a delicious breakfast for his mother and telling her how much he loves her. Only he can't do it now because he is sick. The disease cannot leave him, and his parents are doing everything in their power – they take him to various procedures with a speech therapist, a psychologist, and try to do massages every month. But this is not enough, the boy needs intensive rehabilitation. They have the strength to do it, but not enough money.

Until he was 9 months old, Artem was a healthy child, but then he had his first seizure, which lasted for one hour. The boy was taken to the hospital for examination, an MRI of his head was done, which showed that Artem had genetic epilepsy, Dandy-Walker syndrome and a pineal gland cyst. Artem was also diagnosed with a delay in psycho-speech and motor development, muscle hypotonia syndrome, and flat-valgus deformity of the feet. Doctors recommended taking medications on a regular basis to block seizures.

Until the age of three, Artem did not walk on his own. His parents did everything on their own to help the child stand on his own and take his first steps. At the age of three, his parents decided to take Artem to the sea for rehabilitation. He began to feel better, and the fresh air did him good. Despite this, he constantly needs to take seizure medications, which, unfortunately, cannot block epilepsy 100%. Artem still has frequent seizures.

Now Artem is 7 years old, after all the sessions Artem becomes calmer, he is more enduring in the classroom, the boy has started to look into the eyes – it feels like he understands everything and tries to perform the tasks given to him by the specialists. Every month, his parents try to take Artem to rehabilitation in their city at their own expense. The family lives on his father's salary alone. The mother has been unemployed for 7 years because she is always with her child. The family believes and hopes for support and treatment for their only son.

Full name: Chornii Artem Oleksandrovych, 12.04.2017
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Epilepsy
ID: 9411

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
03.07.2024 00:03
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
02.07.2024 14:14
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 15:29
230.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.06.2024 12:51
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2024 18:50
1500.00 UAH
All donors
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