Without Your help I will not survive
Without Your help I will not survive

Without Your help I will not survive

The project is carried by
Started: 05.05.2014
Totally raised
39104.0 UAH
Total goal
39104.00 UAH

When you are diagnosed cancer, and, moreover, your cancer cells are hyper aggressive, and only very expensive medicines can help you, and you don’t know where you can quickly get the funds, you would like to appear somewhere at the stadium, where there are so many people, and to shout about help, and perhaps they all together will be able to save your life. I ask all non-indifferent people to help me in implementing prophetic words of Taras Shevchenko "Struggle – and you will overcome"– and to prove that it is possible to overcome cancer – you need only money and great strength of will, which I already have enough.

I still do want to live , I have so many scientific and creative plans, but they can come abruptly to the end because of elementary absence of funds. Being a Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, a Fulbright scholar and having studied twice in the American universities, having written 5 books and over 100 scientific publications, having studied the experience of the libraries of different countries of the world (more details in Wikipedia), I have never imagined that the life is so fragile, and suddenly can be stopped.

Only during 1 month I have already paid over 60 000 UAH; besides, the librarians of Ukraine have raised (according to their possibilities) over 21 000 UAH, but only for the next 3 courses of chemical therapy with the medicine HERTSEPTIN, which gives me a chance to live, it is necessary (and up to the middle of May!) approximately 127 000 UAH, as treatment that was started cannot be stopped. Numerous Ukrainian librarians know me as a persistent hard worker, who, through my own example, used to inspire other people to achieve their own heights, that is why they have helped me, but, to my greatest regret, it is not enough.

In the end I want to add some of my daughter’s words. She said: "I even cannot imagine that my mother that is in the prime of her life can die, and she will not be able to be with me every day, and she loves so much to spent her time with her little grandson, who is only 1 year and a half. The medicine gives her a chance, but absence of money can take it away, that is why I ask all the people being not indifferent to the destiny of my mother to help her!"

On UBB we are raising only a certain part of the necessary sum, just for paying for 1 course of treatment – 39 104 UAH. We ask all non-indifferent people to help, as Olena’s treatment cannot be stopped even for a day, and she needs to pay for the course in June 2014.


Name: Olena V. Bashun, born 04/03/1958 

Location: Donetsk

Diagnosis: Ca gl.mam.sin.pT1c pN0 M0. ST.I. Cl.gr.. II. PGD №641-47/14 from 19/02/2014:invasive duct Ca of mamma. pT1c pN0 (0/4), Grade I. Immunohistological analysis № 1051-1054 from 19/02/2014:estrogen receptors expression – negative reaction, progesterone receptors expression – negative reaction, с-erB2/HER-2/neu – positive reaction 3+. Proliferation marker Ki-67 – nuclear expression at 25% atypical epitheliocytes.

ID: 945
Charity donation
14.07.2014 11:03
2031.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.07.2014 10:52
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.07.2014 09:56
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.07.2014 23:27
15.00 UAH
Сергій Усов
13.07.2014 21:08
20.00 UAH
All donors

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