Bandages are my lifelong companions! 3
Bandages are my lifelong companions! 3

Bandages are my lifelong companions! 3

Started: 18.11.2020
Khmelnytskyi region
Totally raised
48150.0 UAH
Total goal
48150.00 UAH

In April 2014, our beautiful little princess Vladislava was born. A few days later, doctors diagnosed her with bullous epidermolysis. Life at that moment seemed to turn upside down, but it continued... It continued for us, the parents, and began for our little butterfly. And for six years now, our little girl has been in pain every day. Unbearable, severe, piercing pain. And she doesn't understand what life is like without pain, without wounds, without daily bandages, without taking medication... She doesn't know what it's like, just to run and not be afraid to fall, how to jump and not get injured, how to just hug someone tightly and don't hurt your skin like just eating what you want. After all, the wounds on the baby's body appear from the slightest wrong movement.

But despite all this, Vlada grows up a positive and good child who loves this world. She adores cats and dogs, and they love her. She likes to help her mother cook and clean the house. She likes to spend time with her older sister, play the piano with her. Play board games with grandparents, draw with dad. And like every child, she just loves to watch cartoons. And she loves to dance and shoot videos about it, and then show it to friends.

Vladislava has to go to school next year. But staying there will not be easy for her. The child cannot sit for a long time, walk for a long time, because her legs are in wounds that are difficult to heal and constantly hurt. Care will have to be taken to ensure that other children do not accidentally stand on their feet and push or simply take her hand firmly, as this will be another wound on her small body.

But despite this, we believe that everything will be fine, we will be able to go through everything, we will be able to cope with everything, because our beautiful girl is strong, and we have the support of caring people whom we sincerely thank for their attention, understanding and kindness.

Full name: Kyrylishina Vladislava, 22.04.2014
City: Khmelnytskyi region, Novoselytsia village
Diagnosis: bullous epidermolysis
ID: 6586
28.12.2020 22:31
233.25 UAH
Charity donation
28.12.2020 22:22
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
28.12.2020 22:00
509.62 UAH
Charity donation
28.12.2020 20:56
1019.61 UAH
28.12.2020 20:54
10.18 UAH
All donors

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