I'm running to help the children in the shelter. Vyacheslav Zyryanov
I'm running to help the children in the shelter. Vyacheslav Zyryanov

I'm running to help the children in the shelter. Vyacheslav Zyryanov

The project is carried by
Started: 03.09.2018
Totally raised
10000.0 UAH
Total goal
10000.00 UAH

The third time I’ll take part in Wizz Air City Marathon 2018 and I will run a distance of 21 km. It’s a thirst halfmarathon in my life. We run to raise funds to help children in the Melitopol regional center for social and psychological rehabilitation. Our help is a training to prevent violence in the children's environment.

Training are developed by qualified teachers, psychologists and social workers to prevent the manifestation of violence in the children's environment and negative behavior among children from low-income families, children of orphans and half-orphans, children of migrants from the ATU zone.

Training is conducted by a team of qualified trainers on the basis of an educational institution. The participation of teachers working with children on a regular basis is welcomed.

In advance, I am ready to thank all people whose donations will allow our children to take one more step into a happy future.

ID: 4362
Charity donation
21.09.2018 13:19
1345.42 UAH
Charity donation
21.09.2018 10:40
16.29 UAH
Charity donation
20.09.2018 14:37
305.88 UAH
Charity donation
20.09.2018 11:08
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.09.2018 11:01
51.01 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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