Twins want to walk! 3
Twins want to walk! 3

Twins want to walk! 3

The project is carried by
Started: 30.09.2020
Chernihiv region
Totally raised
51000.0 UAH
Total goal
51000.00 UAH

The deeply premature twins Misha and Diana were immediately taken to intensive care after their birth. For two months the babies were nursed and fought for their lives, and, fortunately, the brother and sister soon went home. How parents would like their children to be healthy! However, a great test awaited them and their children, with which they are still struggling.

Less than three months later, Misha and Diana were again admitted to the hospital with a high fever. Unfortunately, the diagnosis was not established, and the children were sent to the capital "OKHMATDET", where they were diagnosed with "primary (congenital) immunodeficiency and muscle tone disorders."

Back at home, parents began to notice that twins develop more slowly than other children. They did not begin to crawl on time, nor tried to sit on their own, and did not even understand the speech addressed. However, after a new examination, the doctors were able to establish the cause: children have tetraparesis and delayed psycho-speech development. This meant the beginning of a long and permanent treatment.

After many courses of treatment, the twins already have results: thanks to the massage, the children have decreased muscle tone, they have become more mobile, and now they are sitting confidently. Diana is already running! In Misha, support on legs appeared, new sounds and syllables appeared. These are wonderful achievements!

However, it is impossible to stop now, the doctors are already waiting for the twins for a new course of rehabilitation, but the family's financial situation does not allow paying for it on their own. Therefore, we again ask all kind people: support Misha and Diana, they so want to walk!

Full name: Shelestiuk Diana and Mykhailo, 21.11.2017
City: Nosivka, Chernihiv region
Diagnosis: tetraparesis as a result of primary early organic damage to the nervous system, delayed psycho-speech development
ID: 6404
Charity donation
08.01.2021 17:43
3485.01 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2021 16:39
764.71 UAH
08.01.2021 16:36
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2021 15:26
40.73 UAH
Charity donation
08.01.2021 14:26
51.01 UAH
All donors

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