The struggle for the dream of living a full life
The struggle for the dream of living a full life

The struggle for the dream of living a full life

Started: 26.11.2021
Totally raised
20000.0 UAH
Total goal
20000.00 UAH

Alina is a long-awaited child in the family! A girl was born at 42 weeks with a weight of 3.980 without any abnormalities. Pregnancy and childbirth passed without complications, but developmental delay began in the first year of life. The family began to examine and undergo treatment by neurologists, neurologists, psychiatrists. Initially, the diagnosis was made: "developmental delay, psycho-speech delay (PD)." Until the age of 3, Alina did not speak, there were only sounds and a few separate words. With the girl, they began to work intensively with a speech therapist, at the same time they underwent courses of drug treatment by a neuropathologist, courses of massages, and various kinds of stimulation. At the age of 7, Alina went to school, by this time the baby had already spoken a little, but her vocabulary was small.

Then the girl was diagnosed with "erased dysarthria, dyslexia, dysgraphia, general speech underdevelopment of the 3rd level, minimal cerebral dysfunction, general underdevelopment of the psyche." A new struggle began: constant classes with a speech therapist-defectologist, hippotherapy courses, rehabilitation at SPACE CLINIC.

Now Alina is 12 years old, she is a special student. school, goes to grade 6. Alina is very kind, cheerful, cheerful, but a little awkward (due to a lack of coordination of movement). Loves cats, travel, the program "Heads and Tails". Actively participates in school activities. Learning to roller skate. Believes in miracles and fairy tales. Our cherished dream is that Alina could live a full life, communicate, love, learn about the world. For 12 years of continuous struggle for a dream, the financial capabilities of the family have been exhausted, so you have to ask for help. Thanks to everyone who helps dreams come true.

Full name: Kononenko Alina, 26.04.2009
City: Kharkiv city
Diagnosis: G98, Minimal brain dysfunction, general level 3 speech underdevelopment, dyslexia, dysgraphia, general mental retardation, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
ID: 7638
Charity donation
31.12.2021 01:12
871.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2021 01:09
3.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.12.2021 00:13
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2021 23:30
2800.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.12.2021 23:29
200.00 UAH
All donors

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