Let Artem and Maxim a chance to survive
Let Artem and Maxim a chance to survive

Let Artem and Maxim a chance to survive

The project is carried by
Started: 31.03.2017
Chernigiv region
Totally raised
74500.0 UAH
Total goal
74500.00 UAH

Medical error is terrible in his average in one. This family is divided into two parts: normal and happy before the birth of boys, and full of tears, sorrow, and hope – after.

Medical error is terrible in his average in one. This family is divided into two parts: normal and happy before the birth of boys, and full of tears, sorrow, and hope – after.

whole family was waiting for their birth! Since then, every day the mother of boys says the same prayer: God, please heal my children!. The kids have cerebral palsy. But you can help them, and in the Center of brain stimulation know how to do it. Will the kids to pick up toys, to laugh, to hug loved ones, to run and play, depends on us, caring and loving people with a kind and generous heart.

Their mother helped other children. And now needs help with her kids. And she believes that this help will come. Gentle, defenseless and doomed look with little brothers Artem and Maxym, and without a word crying out for help. And to help those children, who do not sit, do not say do not go, you can!

Yes, there are a lot of the work to fix the mistake of nature, but is the Center of brain stimulation, where kids can help. Only need your help, indifferent to the suffering of others people. Be generous, and you will be rewarded!


Name: Artem Karpenko, Maxym Karpenko, 15.06.2013

City: Nosivka, Chernigiv region

The Artem Karpenko diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia

The Maxim Karpenko diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia

ID: 2989
Charity donation
20.04.2017 22:02
0.18 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2017 21:59
379.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2017 21:53
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2017 21:52
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2017 21:46
101.96 UAH
All donors

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