Let's give Lera a chance. 6
Let's give Lera a chance. 6

Let's give Lera a chance. 6

The project is carried by
Started: 01.11.2018
Dnipro region
Totally raised
20000.0 UAH
Total goal
20000.00 UAH

The little girl Lerochka is 10 years old now. It is hard to imagine that she has been treated right from her birth. The diagnoses she got are sthenic. The picture is joyless and hopeless at the first glance that the heart sank. Judge for yourself: cerebral palsy, spasmodic tetraplegia, scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine, flat-footed stop, motor allia, symptomatic epilepsy. 

She really lucked out in one thing. Starting from the age of 2, she has been undergoing treatment at the Dr. Bersenev Center systematically. It should seem, what а medicine can do when the baby has such a bouquet of serious ailments? It can, however! Parents testify – treatment gives constant results. Circulation of the blood improves, gestures, speech, vision improves as well. Muscle tone decreases. The brain activity is better – Lera becomes a smart girl, expresses her emotions better, takes the world around. 

No doubt, the regular rehabilitation courses in the center of Dr. Bersenev should continue. The family is not able to pay the courses all along. Constant the lack of money doesn’t let. Lerochka’s parents appeal to all, who are not indifferent to help the girl to continue fighting for her health so that the smile brightens her baby face more often.

Earlier at UBB, we have already collected funds for Valeria. View previous projects you can by the link.


Name: Valeria Yakimenko, 12.12.2008 p.

City: Volnogorsk, Dnepropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, tetraplegia, scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine

ID: 4556
Charity donation
19.12.2018 21:37
0.76 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 21:28
1946.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 21:02
203.92 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 20:48
30.55 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 20:46
30.64 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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