Breathe = live. Lviv region on the verge of a new outbreak of COVID-19
Breathe = live. Lviv region on the verge of a new outbreak of COVID-19

Breathe = live. Lviv region on the verge of a new outbreak of COVID-19

Started: 25.01.2022
Totally raised
112254.0 UAH
Total goal
112254.00 UAH
18.02.2022 21:53
The project is implemented ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
18.02.2022 11:46
The ventilator is repaired!
The ventilator is repaired!
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that thanks to the funds raised within the framework of this project, the VELA ventilator has been repaired! Now the doctors of the Lviv Regional Clinical Hospital will be ab…
10.02.2022 10:39
The project is funded by the Health Treasury ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! This project was funded from the HEALTH reserve fund in the amount of UAH 77891,18. The letter from the Operator of help is in the "Reports and documents" section of this project. Thank you for your tr…
25.01.2022 17:13
Start of the project.
Charity donation
10.02.2022 16:45
77891.18 UAH
Charity donation
10.02.2022 13:10
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.02.2022 11:20
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.02.2022 00:20
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.02.2022 13:37
300.00 UAH
All donors

Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

Done - reports are ready

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