Dina did not give up. 2
Dina did not give up. 2

Dina did not give up. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 14.06.2018
Poltava region
Totally raised
10000.0 UAH
Total goal
10000.00 UAH

Dina from the city of Kremenchuk appeals again for your help. Recently, the doctors have set her pelvic bones, which have shifted as a result of a trauma and such a miracle! – Dina has taken her first steps after about three years of immobility. In doctor Bersenevs’ medical clinic in Kiev, she has undergone a couple of treatment courses, but the lack of finances for the trips to the capital made her change the primary plans. The women has started to attend a rehabilitation course in her hometown, at the military hospital of Kremenchuk.

She regularly swims in the pool, however the long years of necessary quiescence left their imprint, thus Dina needs more than simply swimming. Dina should undergo a course of drug treatment, which will help to strength her muscles. We remind you, that Dinas’ diagnosis is Erb’s muscular dystrophy. She has already undergone a similar course and needs the next one, because this is a long-term process causing a significant improvement. In a short time will be received the results of a genetic research, which will conclusively clear up the treatment methods for ex-sportswomen.

Dina has been always dreaming about such an ordinary for us possibility – to walk all alone again, and now this dream begins to come true… But as it often happens, the lack of finances is destroying her dream. Only the help of warm-hearted people can put this woman on her feet – in all senses. Dina really hopes for it!

Earlier on the UBB we already collected money for Dina. The previous project you can see on the link.


Name: Novikova Dina, 21.02.1976

City: Kremenchuk, Poltava region

Diagnosis: Erb's myopathy, limb-lumbar form, mitochondrial dysfunction, gluteal tract syndrome, a symphysis-sternal syndrome in the background of lumbosacral osteochondrosis, protrusion of MTD L4-L5

ID: 4128
06.07.2018 12:40
4161.83 UAH
Глеб Панченко
06.07.2018 03:32
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
05.07.2018 23:31
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
05.07.2018 23:15
350.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.07.2018 18:03
101.83 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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