Children with autism see the world differently
Children with autism see the world differently

Children with autism see the world differently

The project is carried by
Started: 12.04.2021
Dnipro region
Totally raised
42245.0 UAH
Total goal
42245.00 UAH

Yaroslav, or, as his mother affectionately calls, Yasik, was born a weak baby, weighing 2 kg and 45 cm in height. The first year of life was very difficult. The child ate poorly, had tummy problems, and took many medications before each feeding. The baby hardly slept for the first months of his life. Mom walked all night with him in her arms, and the baby cried, gained weight poorly. He fell asleep only for a short time, and then after being rocked on his hands for an hour or two. A little later, the analyzes revealed intolerance to lactose, gluten, casein. We changed the mixture to lactose-free. Little by little, everything was getting better. Yasik weighed only 7 kg a year. Tummy problems began to recede into the background.

But by the age of two, the baby had not yet spoken, he ate only mashed food, choked on pieces. I was not interested in food at all, I did not take it in my hands, I did not pull it into my mouth. Didn't respond to the name. He played with toys in a peculiar way, lined them up, knocked them, threw them, showed no particular interest. Mom about this more than once turned to a pediatrician, a neurologist, but they only dismissed it, the child is too small, it is still early, by the age of three he will speak, they are all boys.

But by the age of three, the baby hadn’t started talking. And again the neurologist, and then the psychiatrist, to whom the mother turned, did not see the problem: “Lagging behind in development, will catch up later.” Having learned that an Inclusive Resource Center had been opened in the city, they turned to them, underwent diagnostics and with Yaroslav began to study there with specialists. But there was no speech. In addition, the child rarely responded to the name, there was no pointing gesture, if something was needed, he either hysterical, cried, or sometimes took his mother's hand and showed that he wanted.

When Yasa was 3.9 years old, he and his mother went to consult a psychiatrist in Kiev, who, after talking with the child, immediately diagnosed child autism, which was confirmed by several of her colleagues. After spending a week in Kiev for diagnostics, my mother and Yarik were sent home with 60 pages of printed text recommendations, how to study, what developmental problems there are.

Now Yaroslav is 4.3 years old, he attends the Inclusive Resource Center, he also works with a frequent specialist. The baby's mom is a health worker, she knows that autism cannot be cured, this is forever. Her son will always be different from other kids. She is trying to rehabilitate her son on her own, to teach him to serve himself. But this must be done with specialists. Mom is raising a child alone, she is disabled due to diabetes mellitus, vision (you are familiar with her from the project "Salvation for Mom"), there is an older sister who is already a student.

At this time, Yarik has preserved his intellect, he knows colors, animals, counts up to five, learned to play role-playing games with toys, puts complex puzzles into 50-60-90 pieces, understands everything. But he does not speak, only 4-5 words, does not serve himself, cannot chew solid food (but he learned to eat gluten-free cookies, jellies), does not understand how to drink from a cup, only a sippy cup, does not know how to communicate with other people and children, he loves children, but plays in a peculiar way, jumps, laughs next to them, but does not know how to play.

He really needs rehabilitation from specialists who deal with children with autism. If you do this regularly, then Yaroslav has a chance to speak, to go to a regular school. Yes, he will be a little different, but he will be able to learn and live a fulfilling life.

In this project, we collect the funds required for Yaroslav analyzes, vitamins and rehabilitation.

Full name: Mydryi Yaroslav, 14.12.2016
City: Marganets, Dnipropetrovsk region
Diagnosis: autism
ID: 6992
Charity donation
08.12.2021 19:49
5298.89 UAH
Charity donation
08.12.2021 15:16
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.12.2021 08:41
100.00 UAH
Юлия Добро
07.12.2021 23:00
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.12.2021 21:23
100.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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