Poltava children needs help!
Poltava children needs help!

Poltava children needs help!

The project is carried by
Started: 28.01.2021
Totally raised
5287.82 UAH
Total goal
144000.00 UAH

Pediatric oncology. How bitter and how unfair it is! A child born to percept the world, to grow, to rejoice and to be happy is seen fallen out of life for months or years. Every day there are hospital walls, chemotherapy, operations, injections, treatments, bandaging and endless tears. There are fear and helplessness. There is a daily struggle for the lives of young patients in the paediatric departments of cancer centers.

However, treating small babies is tricky. You cannot convince them to be patient, now and then, repeatedly, as well as make them aware of the need to get up early and withstand in line for diagnostics, etc. The lack of state funding is unfair, too, when it comes to the treatment cases with the high possibility of either both health improvement and recovery or substantial relieve of babies’ pain.

Therefore, both doctors and parents end up seeking support from good-hearted people, those compassionate to the grief of others. There are babies and adolescents undergo their treatment in the paediatric department of the Poltava Hospital. For now, this department needs our mutual help. In particular, it needs a portable wireless ultrasonic transducer with a multicolor doppler.

In practice, this is a tablet diagnostics. There is no need for a heavy, expensive ultrasound machine, still found in diagnostic centers. A phone or tablet on hand for the doctor could be enough. Having installed on the program, there is so much he could do to diagnose easily! Prior to installing the  catheter during the treatment, he could have monitored the child's veins avoiding multiple prickling for injection; he could do monitoring of the child's organs, both pre-surgery and ongoing. The doctor also could be able to monitor the organ during the surgery, to make an emergency diagnostics, for which he, as usually, could have no time or facilities. The all above could be done with a device that fits on your hand! With no pain and free of charge!

Meanwhile, babies could avoid being taken to diagnostic centers and tortured with injections there. That could save them from endless tears and hysteria.

Dear friends and donators! We ask you to support the fundraising for an ultrasound transducer for the paediatric department of the Poltava Hospital! Our goal is less crying kids and more opportunities for their comfortable treatment!

ID: 6781
Charity donation
15.02.2022 05:53
5.00 UAH
13.02.2022 14:12
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.01.2022 07:03
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2022 05:27
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.12.2021 08:47
500.00 UAH
All donors

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