The girl is in trouble. 2
The girl is in trouble. 2

The girl is in trouble. 2

The project is carried by
Started: 10.05.2018
Totally raised
37800.0 UAH
Total goal
37800.00 UAH

This courageous girl is 5 years old, she does not know how to walk, and without support – even to stand or sit. Each new movement and sound – the struggle of Oleschi long life. This condition of a child is a medical error. During childbirth infants weighing only 1,700 grams twist their neck. This brutal error will only be revealed in a year and a half. After the appearance of the light, the girl did not scream, only the lyrics zaprilila. Further resuscitation, life support devices and... no predictions.

This courageous girl is 5 years old, she does not know how to walk, and without support – even to stand or sit. Each new movement and sound – the struggle of Oleschi long life. This condition of a child is a medical error. During childbirth infants weighing only 1,700 grams twist their neck. This brutal error will only be revealed in a year and a half. After the appearance of the light, the girl did not scream, only the lyrics zaprilila. Further resuscitation, life support devices and... no predictions. 

Olga and her mother were discharged and sent home. Kvola girl does not cry, always sleeps and does not wake up to even eat. Doctors also feed her with antibiotics and write everything to the virus. Although Mother Tatiana feels with her heart – something is wrong with her daughter. Then doctors say that the child lags behind in development through early childbirth. Doctors prescribe medications to Olia that make the baby worse, and prescribe massages that do not help anything. But only in a year and a half MRI showed a brain hemorrhage, and the X-ray of the neck testifies - the baby's neck was brutally twisted.

"I almost fell when I heard this, the ground just went from under my feet. How could one stroke to cross my child's life?! I asked in desperation. Everything that was said then: "The fate of Oli depends on her desire to fight."

In a few years, Olia proved to everyone: she can and will fight for herself. Countless massage courses, medicines for brain stimulation and rehab have yielded results. Earlier, the whole right side of Oli was paralyzed and she could not move her hands with her fingers, now the girl holds her toys. managed to overcome the contracture of the right leg, the child began to put his foot exactly, with a great pain. Also, due to rehabilitation spasticity in the pens has passed, the muscles have relaxed. Olechka became more confident to sit, now can stand alone, without support, but still very afraid. After training with the psychologist, the child improved his attention, but became the best lubricant of motor skills, and after the last lesson with the speech therapist Olia said her first word "mom". Even doctors recently admitted: for a year or two a child will be able to learn to walk, most importantly - do not stop.

Now Olia definitely needs to undergo the next rehabilitation course in the center "Free Movement", where she will be busy with rehab, psychologists and physiotherapists. Its value, UAH 37,800, is not profitable for the family, they have exhausted all the resources. Olia and two more kids Tetiana educates herself. She can not work, because she always needs to be near his daughter. The only hope for this strong girl is with you. It is in our power to give her a chance to walk with her legs.



Name: Kozhukhar Olga, 10.11.2012

City: Berdiansk, Zaporizhia region

Diagnosis: residual-organic lesion of the central nervous system in the form of alumina foci, cognitive impairment, cerebral palsy, spastic diplegia, dysarthria, equinus of foot

ID: 4029
Charity donation
30.05.2018 13:48
154.04 UAH
Иван Петров
30.05.2018 13:18
79.45 UAH
Charity donation
30.05.2018 11:46
101.92 UAH
Charity donation
30.05.2018 11:29
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
30.05.2018 10:16
152.75 UAH
All donors

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