
Help delivered to Kryvyi Rih Perinatal Center

This medical facility provides care to pregnant women, women in labor, infants, including those who are very premature, and gynecological patients, including children and adolescents. Not only residents of Kryvyi Rih and neighboring communities, but also citizens forced to evacuate from the regions of hostilities and the territories temporarily occupied by Russia, turn to this institution. As of today, more than 74.5 thousand refugees have officially registered in Kryvyi Rih, and the city has actually received more than 80 thousand people.

Doctors who save the lives of preterm and newborn babies every day had a critical and urgent need to improve neonatal diagnostics, which at certain stages of medical care is extremely important for making the right decisions about the tactics of treatment and nursing of newborns in postnatal care and intensive care units, and in general of all children treated in the perinatal center. The number of young patients exceeds 1000 infants per year.

Almost all patients need ultrasound diagnostics. In addition, about 15% of newborns in the mother and newborn unit need a diagnostic examination to exclude urgent pathological conditions.

The ultrasound machine that we dreamed of donating to the hospital is an essential tool for diagnosing and monitoring the health of mothers and children, and the hospital did not have any modern device of this level! And ultrasound examinations are necessary for all newborns, not to mention the challenges that doctors face when nursing preterm babies, who can weigh up to 500 grams.

Thanks to the charitable contributions of Monobank's clients to the Courage project and donations from donors of the platform, the required amount was raised and doctors are already working with the ultrasound machine. 

With this equipment in the perinatal center, doctors are able to examine all children and provide timely assistance. This device is already being used for timely diagnosis of brain pathology, pathology of internal organs, kidneys and musculoskeletal system in all babies born in this medical institution.

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